Development and Bug Reports

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In the lists below, when the development initially planned has reached 100%, the new features move into a testing and stabilization process. Once this is complete, the overall list is marked as DONE and the corresponding release of ekdosis is published.
The full documentation of the development version can be found here as a PDF file. (How to install.)

Ongoing Development of ekdosis

TODO v1.6 [0%]

  • [ ] Allow for insertion of arbitrary TEI xml attributes through LATEX commands or environments.
  • [ ] Fragmentary witnesses: recording of fragmented witnesses.

TODO v1.5 [80%]

  • [ ] New commands for milestones (for TEI and PDF).
  • [X] Support for footnotes combined into a single paragraph [90cf4bb]​ [0d79b9e]​
  • [X] New alternate 2-arg command \App to allow for better code folding with ekdosis.el [0888a38]​
  • [X] Fragmentary witnesses: lacunae [c10daf3]​
  • [X] Support for Arabic poetry with arabluatex [a7deb7f]​
  • [X] New command \ekdEOprint for headers/footers on paired facing pages. [792c438]​
  • [X] New option to set maxentries globally in \SetHooks [01d8585]​
  • [X] New option maxlines to limit the number of lines per page. [2d153ff]​
  • [X] fitapp option: new commands for adjusting the height of the apparatus typeblock on pages. [2d153ff]​
  • [-] Multiple or large edition texts: ekdosis should be able to compile selected sections while leaving other sections untouched. [1/3]
    • [X] Use own internal page numbering scheme instead of absolute page numbers. [35b751c]​
    • [ ] Write Lua functions and LATEX internal commands.
    • [ ] Provide a user interface.

DONE v1.4 [100%]

  • [X] Poetry [3/3]
    • [X] New command \\+ for inserting line breaks between verse lines without indenting the subsequent line.
    • [X] Option vnumbrokenlines to have both parts of broken lines numbered.
    • [X] New command \vmodulolinenumbers[n] to enable or modify verse modulo line numbering.
  • Apparatus criticus [3/3]
    • [X] Optional subseparators in the apparatus criticus.
    • [X] Option keepinapp to have critical symbols used in the edition text such as <>{}[] and the like printed in the apparatus.
    • [X] Option familysep to allow for alternate separators between families of manuscripts in the apparatus.

Bug Reports

v1.5-dev [100%]

FIXED \SetBeginApparatus does not accept LATEX commands

  • CLOSING NOTE [2021-12-09 Thu]
    Wrong expansion control in \Set...Apparatus commands. [34bfbfc]​

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Author: Robert Alessi

Created: 2024-07-18 Thu 10:16
